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Special Events and Trips

We strongly believe that learning should take place both inside and outside the classroom. Throughout the year, every class will take part in a wide range of special events and trips which are planned to enhance and compliment the formal taught curriculum. Our wide range of learning opportunities provide rich and memorable experiences for the children at our school and form an integral part of the varied and diverse school experience we aim to offer. 

Termly trips out, residential visits, sporting events, performances on stage, class assemblies, community days, charity events, forest school, debates and visiting speakers are all carefully chosen and planned to ensure children develop into confident, well-rounded global citizens. We see huge value in building cultural capital and are committed to ensuring that all children at Walton have a fully rounded education. Our approach is ambitious and inclusive. We work with individuals and families to overcome barriers to participation so that all members of our community benefit from the opportunities we provide.

Visiting Speakers

We have a range of exciting learning opportunities this year which will be delivered by visiting speakers and drama groups. This will include visits from parents who are willing to come in to school and share their skills and experiences with our school. Please let know if you would be keen to come in and work with children in this way. 

School Trips - Day Trips

Our range of day trips includes visits to contrasting places of religious worship, museums and art galleries, places of historical interest and more. We will be posting more about these day trips soon!

Residential Trips

Aimed to develop independence, confidence and to aid team building within the year groups, alongside a range of educational values, our residential trips are a valued part of our curriculum.

Year Group Duration Location Term
Year 4 1 Night Breech Lane Field Summer 1
Year 5 2 Night  High Ashurst Summer 1
Year 6 4 Night PGL Centre Summer 2